Sitemap - 2023 - Ill-Defined Space
Revisiting 2023 Space Industry Activities
The Trolley Problem: GPS Used for Good and Bad
Amazon’s Small Reality-Check: Kuiper Launches With SpaceX
Earth Observation Security Policy: 1-Yard Dam in a 10-Mile-Wide River
Until the Cows Come Home: PNT Replaces Fences and Shepherds
Hyperbole or Reality: Reusable Rockets & i-Space’s Hyperbola-2
Satellite Manufacturing: Russian Space Industry Goals
“The Weirdest Delusion”--Smallsat Market Incongruities and Changes
The Call is Coming from Inside the House! SDA and the DoD
The Other Space Race: China and India
Commercial Human Spaceflight: Innovation and Safety
A Tale of Two Launch Contracts: Kuiper and Telesat
Upcoming Changes to Ill-Defined Space
Startups+Alternative Propellant=Green Revolution?
A U.S. Space Industry Resource Worth Referencing–the BEA
ULA and Launch Industry Structure Changes
USSF Intelligence: China on Its Mind for the Wrong Reasons?
Charts, Perceptions, Reality: China’s Rockets
Kuipersats Will Be Ready, But What About the Rockets?
Does Adding One More Competitor Help National Security Space Launch?
Indian Space Startups: More Growth Required
A Different Kind of Growth In Spacecraft Deployments
Dedicated Smallsat Launch: Boosting the Market?
More GuoWong: Puzzling Optimistic Numbers
Ample Capacity and Monopoly Markets: the U.S. Space Launch Paradox
Cajole or Construct? Two Pathways to New Rockets
U.S. Space Force: Know Thyself?
Smallsats: Commercial Shift Spurs Growing Ecosystem
Space Zombie Statistics: The Industry of Data Reanimation
Opportunities from the New Indian Space Policy?
Amazon Kuiper: More Than LEO Broadband
The Space Development Agency: So Far, So Good
Staying the Course: U.S. National LEO R&D Strategy
The Realities of Launch vs. Unreasonable Expectations
The Office of Space Commerce: Coming to Terms with Space Operations
National Security Space Launch: Phase Trois
GuoWong: China SatNet’s Answer to Starlink?
Behind in the Space Race: U.S. Military vs. U.S. Space Industry
AstroForge’s Asteroid Business: The Same, but Different?
Follow-Up: Ukraine and Arianespace
Arianespace: The Only Fish in the Pond (and Keeping It That Way)
Imbalance of Space Power: Russia and Ukraine
India’s Space EO/RS Denied: Intentions and Process