I work more with SAR images. The commercial SAR market is probably 15 years behind the optical satellite industry but it may catch up soon. SAR has had many public-private partnerships in larger satellites but the small SAR satellites are growing rapidly.

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Hi Eric!

The data supports your estimate, I think, for SAR. But to me it's still amazing we can talk about SAR without going into any kind of SCIF.

I don't know how interested you are in this, or even how aware, but I wrote up an analysis of the overall EO/RS growth since 2019: https://www.astralytical.com/insights/the-growing-business-of-observing-the-blue-marble.

There is a radar deployment section in it.

Radar is likely facing similar headwinds that optical satellites currently are, policy-wise. Maybe the good (or bad) thing is that SAR's utility is less obvious to the politicians, which means they may not put as many roadblocks in place. ;-)

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