It seems like this article ignores or maybe very briefly makes an implicit reference to Starshield, and underhypes the SDA's NDSA project.

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Starshield is only an offering. If the military decides to use it, and it can quickly fulfill contracts, then it becomes a part of the conversation, but certainly not the solution. There is no maybe--SDA is referenced as the awareness of the issue. ;-)

Still, Starshield and SDA are potential future projects, not the state of the DoD today.

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Fair enough. What's your best guess as to when Starshield and NDSA will be adopted and become "part of the conversation"?

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Heh, if I could even guess that, I would be making plenty of money. I would guess that Starshield is possibly a response to an informal request, so maybe there's some take up there. For SDA's project, it would be interesting to see what the results of the project are. One of the things that makes Starlink so compelling is the terminal. I have seen nothing from SDA about work on that.

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