Sitemap - 2020 - Ill-Defined Space
2020 Commercial Global Space Market, Part 2: Profitable, but Not Mature (Yet)
2020 Commercial Global Space Market, Part 1: The Year of Government Dependence
U.S. Rocket Launch Market: Strictly Commercial?
A Grudging Look at National Space Policy
Blue Origin: Old Space in New Space Clothing
Implications of Starship’s 12.5 km Test
Commercial Space-based EO/RS Sector Growth, Part 3: Products
Commercial Space-based EO/RS Sector Growth, Part 2
Commercial Space-based EO/RS Sector Growth--Potential to Help with Government Emergency and Response
Examining Realities in ISS Commercialization
U.S. Space Industry Growth Through U.S. Administrations
Fun with Numbers: China/U.S. Rocket Launches and Other Activities
Tea Leaves, Biden, SLS = U.S. Space Industry Future?
LauncherOne Customers and DoD Wish Fulfillment
Partnerships and Platforms: Thinking about Microsoft’s Azure Space
Back to Virgin Orbit, & the U.S. Army Talks “Starship Troopers”
SpaceX, Propellant Depots, and Rocket Markets
Virgin Orbit--a Year Ago and Now
The Beginning of the End (of Expensive Satellites)?
Looking at the Space Development Agency’s Tracking Layer Selections
OneWeb Update, Scrubbed U.S Launches, What is Reliability?
SpaceBEES, Swarm, IoT, and Orbcomm
OneWeb: Activities, Plans, Impacts
Examining Microsoft’s Azure Orbital
Filling the DoD’s Blind Spot in Cislunar Space
Thoughts About “China’s Space Narrative"
India’s ASAT Stamp; India’s Private Space Sector Efforts
France’s Air & Space Force; SMC’s Market Panel
Yellow Sea Launch Activities; Australian Space Leaders’ Data Aggregated?
Rocket Lab’s Photon: When Launch Isn’t Enough
“Foolish and Dangerous Thinking”
SLS Rising Costs, Mission Assurance Concerns
Risk/Opportunity? It Depends on the Customer and the Company
York Gets SDA Job; Airbus Sees U.S. Government Opportunity
Research/Development, Baidu Maps’ Curious Grey Tiles, and Planet
India, the Pandemic, European Entrepreneurs
Commercial Space Growth--Venture Capital Driven
Government Space Budgets=Industry Priorities (Where’s Commercial?)
Reusability, Waste, and Leverage
Commercial Smallsat Industry / Government Needs
Rocket Lab’s Electron Upgrades and Government Contract Aims
Planet’s Annual Growth, SkySats, and Dependence Tendencies
Rideshare Announcements from NASA and Glavkosmos in Focus
EO Business Models/Government Influence On EO Startups
U.S. Commercial Satellite Communications Observed
Ups and Downs In Brownsville, Texas
Scrying Meaning: Project Kuiper’s FCC Approval/Revealed Investment
SpaceX Mission Accomplished=Good Day
DARPA: Removing Single Points of Failure
Quo Vadis, India? And a Kiwi Space Company
Applications that Use Space Infrastructures
The Challenge for Space Startups